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Our Adapted Gymnastic class looks like a lot of fun, but there is more going on than what the observer sees. Recently our Adapted Gymnastics...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

You Are Invited To Learn More!

You are invited to an informational meeting!
No obligation, just attend to learn more!
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Time 6:30 pm
Location Hampton Inn Woodward OK




How the two can blend to create a great educational opportunity for your child's success!

Listen, ask questions and find out about a different learning environment for your child. It is still public school but in a private setting!
Registration for Fall 2014 Starts Soon
so now is the time to learn more about this cutting edge method of school that can allow more family time or more time for your child to spend on their passions!

Although this is a meeting we have set up for our families at
Academy of Fine Arts, we encourage the public to attend as well.
Bring a friend or family member that has an interest!

What is Oklahoma Connections Academy?
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Oklahoma Connections Academy is a public virtual school available to all Oklahoma students K-12.

It is a public school that can be done at home or on the go. All that is needed most of the time is a laptop, internet connection and the books they send to you to work from.

Is it home school?
Well it can be, but we think a bit better because the curriculum is set and you are guided by state certified teachers that are assigned to your child. A parent or grandparent takes online training to assist the child in their daily studies.

But don't dismiss it because you don't or can't be a stay at home parent to home school. Because we have a solution to that! You can outsource the Learning Coach position to us!

We encourage you to go to the website for Oklahoma Connections Academy and learn more! Then come to the meeting to ask the hard questions! And keep asking questions until you get the answers that you need to make a decision about the future of your childs education.

If virtual public school does not work for you, you can always go back to a brick and mortar public school!


Why Do We Like Oklahoma Connections Academy?
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First of all, children in the arts and athletics have been educated for generations through similar methods....then, it was called a tutor. Gymnastic gyms, dance schools, Broadway, Hollywood, and others have educated children while they worked on their passions. This is really nothing new.What is new is the delivery system! The internet and a laptop.

We feel that this is a cutting edge situation and will eventually be the future of how all children will or could be educated. Those starting now, are getting a head start. Technology has changed everything in the world. Adults have been taking online courses for years now to start or complete a degree. It may all seem new, but the technology has been there for years.

When looking over their courses and classes for different grades, we were amazed. There is so much more than what a brick and mortar public school can offer! Students and families will be able to tailor their child's education towards what the child enjoys and loves.

We like the fact that OKCE is progressive and encourages children to aspire to higher levels. Connections Academy also has a partnership with Julliard in the e-music program! How many schools offer that?

Children in virtual school will be tomorrows computer experts. Since it is the method of conducting and recording their progress, they have an opportunity to progress fast than those that get on a computer only a couple times a week at school or to play games on the weekends at home.

We also like that they have cubs and parent events to connect families in Oklahoma that are also in OKCA. This means that they also believe that a complete education is also about being with like minded people.

We think that any child that registers with OKCA will be challenged. This is not a sit back and let the computer do the work situation. We believe that sudents in a virtual school such as OKCA will be trained early to be a forward thinking adult.

This is just a few reasons why we like OKCA and why we have put together this meeting for you to learn more. Invite a friend to come with you. Bring a list of questions! We want you to come and then let us know if you see the future like we do.

See you at the meeting!

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College Bound Students Find Success

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