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Movement Leads To Learning in Children

Our Adapted Gymnastic class looks like a lot of fun, but there is more going on than what the observer sees. Recently our Adapted Gymnastics...

Educational Preschool / Pre-K

Trying To Decide
On A Preschool Education Environment
For Your Child?

If you are like most parents, you want to make the best choice for your child's early
education and experiences. It can be confusing as to what is the best method and style of educational learning for your child. But if you are certain that you want more than the typical  educational setting for your preschooler, then take a look at Move-N-Learn Academy and find out that all learning environments are not the same. We believe that children learn best when they are given the opportunity to move, create and explore! By incorporating movement and the arts with an early childhood education program, children have the great opportunity to discover their world in a whole new way! Integration of the arts offers children opportunities to assimilate and apply what they learn in relevent and meaningful ways. Hands on project based learning
addresses students multiple intelligences and learning styles. According to an article on the website of Americans For The Arts, arts based learning is not just something to do for fun,but iis vital to the preschoolers learning and development:
If the typical program is not what you are looking for in your child's education, we encourage
you to call and book a tour and visit with our staff. We believe that you will agree that
Move-N-Learn Academy is way more than you would expect in a preschool education!

** Move-N-Learn is an educational program only and is not a daycare. We do not offer daycare
services of any kind.

Visit our Move-N-Learn Blog at www.movenlearn.blogspot.com for more information!

Art Experiences that Promote Preschool Learning
Source: Young Children and the Arts: Making Creative Connections, 1998, pp. 11–12
  • Dance helps build motor control, body relationships, and a sense of direction.
  • Drawing, sculpting, and other visual arts develop spatial acuity.
  • Group activities, such as learning dance steps or singing songs, build social skills.
  • As children describe people and things in their world using pictures, body movements, and mime, they enhance their descriptive, nonverbal, cognitive capabilities.
  • Repeating stories, poems, and songs strengthens memory.
  • The art supplies children choose for their work reflects their approach to process and outcomes.

A Work out Program For Your Child's Brain

A recent article in The Globe and Mail, a Canadian Newspaper, stated that Sylvain Morena, a neuroscientist at Baycrest's Roman Research Institute, has focused his efforts of training the brain. He recently reported the results of a study in which children aged 4-6 years learned about music- the basics of rhythm, pitch and melody, in a computer based cognitive training program that involved games and cartoon characters. After 20 days of instruction, the children performed significantly better on a verbal
IQ test compared to scores before the training.

Why would studying music lead to gains on verbal IQ? "Music and language share brain processing and structure", Dr Mareno says.

We offer a summer session during June and July each year! Parents love the fact that their children are learning in a fun environment with hands on projects. Keep them learning all summer! Register now for summer session.