Public virtual school also allows you to go back to a brick and mortar school, if you find out that this type of schooling, although cutting edge, is not for you! It really is all about parents HAVING CHOICES in the education of their children instead of being told where they have to attend school (such a neighborhood schools).
Are we against brick and mortar schools or unhappy with local public schools? No, we are not. The majority of adults in the US are the results of a public brick and mortar school. Including myself. And I think I have done well with my life.
We are for the freedom of CHOICE that if what we are doing for our children is not working, we have the right to easily make a change. That we have a choice to in the level of curriculum, electives, teacher qualifications, etc.
So why are we promoting Oklahoma Connections Academy Public Virtual School?
1.Because of the standards that they are setting in our state for virtual schools.
2.Because of their partnership with the e-Learning with Julliard for music (and hopefully theater and dance will be able to be added later).
3.Because of the many different field trips.
4.Because of the clubs offered.
5.Because of the commitment of the Principal and Asst Principal of Oklahoma Connections Academy to their students.
6.Because it is a curriculum that is challenging,
7.Because of the Sports Academy
8.Because of the Performing Arts Academy
9.Because a great majority of their teachers hold a masters degree
10. Because it was approved as a statewide virtual charter school for the 2014-15 school year by the newly-created Statewide Virtual Charter School Board. (The board voted unanimously to approve the school during its monthly meeting on January 14.) Oklahoma Connections Academy was the only virtual school applicant approved in the state's first such decision round.
11. Because it fits for us and for a lot of the families we know
Open transfer and registration is now happening! The process is easy. You can even attend an online information event (just in case you missed the special event that we set up just for our students and families to attend this week) by going to
Don't take our word for it. Do your own investigation. Oklahoma Connections Academy is not about homeschooling. It is not homeschooling. It is schooling our children and grandchildren for the future.
We hope to have you in our first class of our PRIVATE PERFORMING ARTS SCHOOL the fall of 2014!