Why take lessons in a professional setting verses in home?
Students taking classes in a professional environment are less distracted by telephones, cell phones, tv's, siblings, dogs barking, people walking in and out of the room. Less distraction then leads to better learning of the musical skills that are being worked on. Teachers too are less distracted in a professional education setting and can then deliver a better class and lesson for you or your child. A professional setting is a win-win situation for everyone concerned with the lesson.
In home lessons are generally limited to 30 minutes. Our beginnning classes start at 45 minutes. Students use our computer lab for music theory and writting for 15 minutes and then continue for another 30 minutes with the teacher. The teacher then covers more theory and the lesson for the day. All of this makes for a more enjoyable class and faster learning. Most young children loose interest in music lessons due to being bored and the process taking too long. Our class methods have proven to advance a student faster and keep their interest longer.
To find out more about our music lessons, just go to our class description page or call our office at 580-256-3262
Five Reasons Our School May Be The Right Music School For You:
1.Professional equipment and studios for a better learning experience with little distractions.
Studios are a professional school setting with proper lighting and sound proofing. Viewing
windows are available for parent to observe.
2.Well organized events and shows that are low stress for the students and parents. Enjoyable
recitals that offer a positive performance for every student.
3.Customer assistance during class times to answer your questions and use of current
technology and conveniences that makes
a busy family's lfie easier
4. Well designed programs that are focused on the proper progressions for a complete
music learning experience. Music theory time in our computer lab and with the teachers.
5. Small group class sizes to allow more individual attention from teachers.
Thus allowing the student to progress faster and the teacher to catch any problems
before they become bad habits or improper technique.
Why Consider Piano Lessons For Your Child?
There are many studies on the benefits of piano lessons for children. The internet is filled with much information on the subject of young children studying the piano. Here we will explore the most talked about benefits that children can receive by participating in regular and consistant training on the piano. We do encourage you to do your exploring of other articles as well, in making your decision as to if piano instruction is right for your child.
Piano Lessons Help Children In School
Probably the most talked about benefit of young children taking piano lessons is that the lessons will help them in school. Once thought to be thought up by piano teachers to encourage families to consider piano lessons, there are now many studies that indicate that children do reap many benefits that transfers to a more successful rate in school. Matter of fact, there are studies that now show that children that learn to play an instrument have a higher possibility of scoring higher on both standard and spatial cognitive development tests. Some studies are indicating that children learning to play the piano, in particular actually score better in math when having to work with fractions and ratios.
Even preschoolers have been found to benefit from piano instruction. A study by Dr Frances Rauscher ( a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin) and Gordon Shaw ( a physicist at the University of California at Irvine) found that preschoolers who received paino lessons scored 34% higher than their nonmusical counterparts in tets that measured spatial-temporal reasoning, which is the brain function used to understand science, math, and engineering.
Piano Lessons Help With Concentration And Focus
Learning any new skill requires concentration and some focus on the part of the student. But learning to play the piano has some extra benefits for concentration and focus. Playing the piano connects both critical and creative thinking. This connection, which will assist them in anything they select to undertake in the future, along with the ability to read music, interpret the material into notes and rhythms and perform hand movements leads to a stronger level of concentration and focus. Consistant training in piano can then lead a better ability to handle projects that require high focus and concentration levels.
Piano Lessons Helps With Creative Thinking
The ability to transfer ink from paper to music for the ears is a wonderful skill and releases the creativity in children. Give a toddler a pan and a wooden spoon and you soon have music that makes every parent smile. Give a preschooler a drum or keyboard and the next highly acclaimed composer may of just gotten their start. Music itself causes the body to sway, the mind to create mental pictures, the breathe to release or be held and chills down our spine that touches us at our core. Moving the hands along the keys of the piano becomes kenetic and soon creates something. Learning to play the piano and allowing the body and mind to create may just be the start of training for creative writing, composing music, painting the next Monet or engineering a multi-story building.
Most people will agree that learning to play the piano helps to develop better eye-hand coordination. Besides eye-hand coordination, you can also expect to see a better level of fine motor skills and eye tracking. Since it takes two hands to play the piano and they work independently of each other, one may be at a different tempo than the other, all of this leads to a higher level of dexterity and the ability to sort complex thought processes.
Piano Lessons Can Raise Self Esteem
Learning to play the piano can assist a child in building better self esteem. Taking weekly classes over several years can help a child to learn to keep a positive outlook when taking on difficult tasks. Understandiing that learning to play the piano takes work and dedication, and that mastering any new skill is a process can lead to a higher sense of achievement as the child moves from one completed piece to another. Children learn patience as they take on the task of learning more difficult music pieces and thus learn to approach difficult work with confidence and not become frustrated.
Learning To Play The Piano Can Offer Other Opportunities
Learning to play the piano, whether your child takes classes for several years or only a short time, can offer up other opportunities. First of all, learning to play the piano at a young age can also help them to learn to play other instruments with greater ease. Being able to play an instrument can also transfer into the opportunity to be a part of a very special group ensemble, band or orchestra, thus teaching cooperation and the ability to work and plan with others.
Children introduced to piano at a young age are also given the opportunity to learn and hear classical greats such as Mozart and Bach. Learning about the classical composers is a part of history that is left out of the typical history class in general, so students are exposed to a higher level of learning that most do not get introduced to until they are in an musaic appreciation class in college.
Children studying piano will be exposed to performance opportunities such as yearly or bi-yearly recitals. These recital are important in helping a child to learn that showcasing their newly acquired talents is an opportunity to share their musical talents and abilities. It is also a way to plan a path to reach set goals, and once reaching that goal, feeling a high sense of achievement musch like completing a competition or sporting event.
At a higher level, children that discover they have a love for the piano, or any other instrument, can also find themselves reaping the rewards and awards of performing and competing in festivals and competitions. This can lead to even a higher level of achievement such as being accepted into perfoming arts programs, high schools and collegiate departments.
No matter how you look at it, learning to play the piano as a young child has its benefits and rewards that can carry with them for a lifetime.
To find out more about our piano classes please call us at 580-256-3262
A Workout Program For Your Brain
A recent article in The Globe and Mail, a Canadian Newspaper, stated that Sylvain Morena, a neuroscientist at Baycrest's Roman Research Institute, has focused his efforts of training the brain. He recently reported the results of a study in which children aged 4-6 years learned about music- the basics of rhythm, oitch and melody, in a computer based cognitive training program that involved games and cartoon characters. After 20 days of instruction, the children performed significantly better on a verabl IQ test compared to scores before the training.
Why would studying music lead to gains on verbal IQ? "Music and language share brain processing and structure", Dr Mareno says.