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Our Adapted Gymnastic class looks like a lot of fun, but there is more going on than what the observer sees. Recently our Adapted Gymnastics...

Friday, February 28, 2014

Woodward Academy of Fine Arts Students To Get Private Meeting With International Touring Artist on March 28th!

We have a real treat for our students in our Woodward location! On March 28th we are bringing in an international touring artist of guitar, banjo and violin to speak to our students about being a professional musician, author and actor!

This person (name to be announced soon!) plays eleven different music instruments and started co-writing music by the age of 5 yrs. The artist could read music before they could even read a book!

Known internationally for lightning-fast fingers, haunting vocals, and intricate story songs, this artist travels the genres of folk-rock, bluegrass, and blues with banjo, fiddle, and guitar. Anything from ghost pirates to demon guitars could romp through a the show!

Not only will there be the private time talking with just our students, but there will also be a small house concert that evening for adults at the Josie Adams Cultural Center! Ticket prices to be announced.

Be sure to stay tuned to find out more and mark your calendars for March 28th!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Move-N-Learn Academy Will Have Some NEW CHANGES for Fall 2014

We have had our preschool since 1986 and every few years, we update the program to offer the best preschool and pre-k academic program in our area. It is one of those years again! And so, we will be updating some of the standards as well as looking at the curriculum.

What will not change is that with us, your child will have the opportunity for dance, tumbling, art, computers and more. Our standards will not be lowered, but raised higher. Higher means that your child is more than prepared for their Kindergarten year.

One of the changes is that your child will not have to leave us when they are ready for Kindergarten. They will be able to stay in an environment that they love and feel secure in. Their academics will be through Oklahoma Connections Academy, but their learning coaches will be our staff.

Be are  excited about this change and are looking towards the future for our students.

So Why Are We Promoting Oklahoma Connections Academy Public Virtual School?

When you blend the public virtual school ( which is free to students residing in Oklahoma) with our performing and fine arts instruction, and outsource the Learning Coach position to our teachers, you now have a PRIVATE PERFORMING ARTS SCHOOL right here! And at the minimal cost of a private performing arts school.

Public virtual school also allows you to go back to a brick and mortar school, if you find out that this type of schooling, although cutting edge, is not for you! It really is all about parents HAVING CHOICES in the education of their children instead of being told where they have to attend school (such a neighborhood schools).

Are we against brick and mortar schools or unhappy with local public schools? No, we are not. The majority of adults in the US are the results of a public brick and mortar school. Including myself. And I think I have done well with my life.

We are for the freedom of CHOICE that if what we are doing for our children is not working, we have the right to easily make a change. That we have a choice to in the level of curriculum, electives, teacher qualifications, etc.

So why are we promoting Oklahoma Connections Academy Public Virtual School? 
1.Because of the standards that they are setting in our state for virtual schools. 
2.Because of their partnership with the e-Learning with Julliard for music (and hopefully theater and dance will be able to be added later). 
3.Because of the many different field trips. 
4.Because of the clubs offered. 
5.Because of the commitment of the Principal and Asst Principal of Oklahoma Connections Academy to their students.
6.Because it is a curriculum that is challenging,
7.Because of the Sports Academy
8.Because of the Performing Arts Academy
9.Because a great majority of their teachers hold a masters degree
10. Because it was approved as a statewide virtual charter school for the 2014-15 school year by the newly-created Statewide Virtual Charter School Board. (The board voted unanimously to approve the school during its monthly meeting on January 14.) Oklahoma Connections Academy was the only virtual school applicant approved in the state's first such decision round.
11. Because it fits for us and for a lot of the families we know

Open transfer and registration is now happening! The process is easy. You can even attend an online information event (just in case you missed the special event that we set up just for our students and families to attend this week) by going to http://www.connectionsacademy.com/oklahoma-virtual-school/events.aspx 

Don't take our word for it. Do your own investigation. Oklahoma Connections Academy is not about homeschooling. It is not homeschooling. It is schooling our children and grandchildren for the future.

We hope to have you in our first class of our PRIVATE PERFORMING ARTS SCHOOL the fall of 2014!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

We saw the Future Tonight and The Future Is Bright!

Tonight was the meeting for parents to attend and ask questions of the Assistant Principal of Oklahoma Connections Academy. Though there was low attendance, it was a very insightful meeting! Tonight we saw the future. Here is some of the things we learned and want to pass on to you!

Virtual Public School in Oklahoma is FREE online schooling. The school operates under a statewide virtual public school state board of education (just like the State Board of Education that is over brick and mortar schools). The virtual school does have to follow all state guidelines. There are a set number of hours of school with vacation days scheduled. There are three major virtual public schools in Oklahoma, K-12.com, Epic and Oklahoma Connections.

Now the differences. The difference in brick and mortar and the virtual public school are many. The number one factor we found interesting is that some students are able to complete their full day of studies in half the time a child spends in a brick and mortar school. Students are also allowed to work ahead of the schedule in the virtual school, banking hours of study, for those days that they do not work on their studies. Thus allowing your child to actually follow some of their passions such as personal coaching in their sports, master classes in dance and music, vacationing with grandparents.

It was easy to see that students enrolled in Oklahoma Connections Academy can become a specialist in their field prior to even high school  graduation! (The assistant principals daughter left brick and mortar last year and now attends OKCA AND is in a nursing program at a Vo-Tech. Thus allowing her to progress past others her age and go into college with hours already accomplished for her nursing degree!) Oklahoma Connections Academy offers electives in entrepreneurship, technology and engineering. Students can learn website and virtual game design even before leaving high school.

Teachers are more accessible with OKCA. You do not have to wait for a note to come home or receive a call from your child's teachers. The grade book is available 24/7 and the entire school year is planned and mapped out for your child's success. There are parent teacher conferences to work as a team in educating your child.

What a bout socialization? OMGoodness! There are approximately 2 field trips a month that your child can participate in. A large outing at Frontier City is planned in May at the end of this school year. There are clubs to participate in and much more. Couple all of that with your child's local music lessons, dance lessons, gymnastics, cheerleading and local sports leagues and you will realize that there are plenty of opportunities for  socialization.

But what about sports like football?? Well, we were given information on that too! Did you know that some OKCA virtual public school children are actually playing sports at their area public brick and mortar schools? That is right! They are still playing school sports! (you really need to talk to us about this)

Foreign language? Oh yes! How about Spanish and Chinese? Spanish fits our area of the US and Chinese is the fastest growing global language !

Music? OKCA has partnered with Julliard with Julliard's e-learning in music! Outstanding! Your child will be better prepared for college in music!

How about life skills that can lead to careers? Yes they still offer home ec style of classes such as baking, cooking and even an auto mechanics course for those that have an interest.

The biggest aha moment has to be that you and your child have an opportunity to design an education that can work for your child and with your child's interest in mind. No boring, out dated classes to have to drag through with low interest. They even have peer tutoring sessions!(sounds a bit like college, right?)

We even went a bit further and asked about special services for students such as learning disabilities and college advisement. We were informed that they have people already in place for this. I asked about a speech therapist and they gave me the name of the person.

So here is our conclusion from tonight's meeting. Oklahoma Connections Academy ( and our energy, ideas and programs) can give your child everything they can get in the public brick and mortar. But they can give more. Much more. 

Your child can enjoy school, like they should. No bullying, no school drama and gossip, no fear of failure. School should be fun and enlightening. It should challenge your child and cause them to dream of a bright future. School should be the first step towards your child's future (and it is never too early to start planning for that!).

OKCA allows a child to be challenged so that they can grow. OKCA's schedule and lesson plans work towards an education with plans for college admittance. OKCA's well planned year allows for more family time and time for your child to find their passions.

Do we think Virtual Public School is the near future? It is already here and has been for some years in in other areas of the United States. Colleges have been offering online courses for graduation for adults for several years now. Virtual training and education is not new.

Educating our children as a country for decades has offered public education, private education. home schooling, tutor training and more. For generations, elite athletes in high school and college have used tutors and other alternatives for education. This is how Olympians are made.

Child actors and musicians on Broadway and in Hollywood have also received their education from those sources in the past. This is how movie stars and the Hannah Montana's of television and music were created.

It is just this day and age, the system of delivering the education has changed. No longer are there tutors at the gymnastics gym, but now through the computer. No longer does an athlete, musician, actor or just a very mobile family have to carry a huge amount of books to travel and continue the studies. No longer does a family have to beg the school district to permission for their child to be allowed to vacation in February instead of the summer.

OKCA has 740 students this year. Some are athletes that need more time to spend on their sport. Some are students that need a bigger challenge. Some are actors that go to Hollywood to film pilots for television. A very few are those with special education or health needs. Most are just average kids enjoying the freedom from bullying, school violence, school drama and more.

In any case, we have concluded that Oklahoma Connections Academy is still a school district (even though virtual) that we will recommend to our family, friends and students of our performing arts schools. We have seen the future and it shines very bright.

**We have six bags with registration information, class information and a t-shirt to the first 6 families that comes in and says, I want my child to attend OKCA this next year. Registration is now open until May. Once registering for OKCA, then contact us as to how we can offer Learning Coach Services for the success of your child! You do not have to be the learning coach for your child in virtual public school. You can outsource it! Call us now at 580-256-3262 or 580-747-4799

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Public School in a Private Setting May Be The Key

If you or your child are still struggling with public school issues, a public school education in a private setting may be the answer for your child's success.  No matter if you are tired of bullying, the lack of time for family, over crowding of classes and lack of the teachers time for your child, or just want your child to be challenged more, take a look at our public school in a private setting opportunity this Tuesday night at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be held at the Hampton Inn on Williams Ave. 

This informational meeting will allow you to ask questions about curriculum and other questions concerning your child's education. A Representative of Oklahoma Connections Academy ( we are thinking it will be Tammy Shepherd, Principal of OKCA) will be there to address any concerns or questions concerning virtual public school. 

We hope to see you there. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

You Are Invited To Learn More!

You are invited to an informational meeting!
No obligation, just attend to learn more!
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Time 6:30 pm
Location Hampton Inn Woodward OK




How the two can blend to create a great educational opportunity for your child's success!

Listen, ask questions and find out about a different learning environment for your child. It is still public school but in a private setting!
Registration for Fall 2014 Starts Soon
so now is the time to learn more about this cutting edge method of school that can allow more family time or more time for your child to spend on their passions!

Although this is a meeting we have set up for our families at
Academy of Fine Arts, we encourage the public to attend as well.
Bring a friend or family member that has an interest!

What is Oklahoma Connections Academy?
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Oklahoma Connections Academy is a public virtual school available to all Oklahoma students K-12.

It is a public school that can be done at home or on the go. All that is needed most of the time is a laptop, internet connection and the books they send to you to work from.

Is it home school?
Well it can be, but we think a bit better because the curriculum is set and you are guided by state certified teachers that are assigned to your child. A parent or grandparent takes online training to assist the child in their daily studies.

But don't dismiss it because you don't or can't be a stay at home parent to home school. Because we have a solution to that! You can outsource the Learning Coach position to us!

We encourage you to go to the website for Oklahoma Connections Academy and learn more! Then come to the meeting to ask the hard questions! And keep asking questions until you get the answers that you need to make a decision about the future of your childs education.

If virtual public school does not work for you, you can always go back to a brick and mortar public school!


Why Do We Like Oklahoma Connections Academy?
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First of all, children in the arts and athletics have been educated for generations through similar methods....then, it was called a tutor. Gymnastic gyms, dance schools, Broadway, Hollywood, and others have educated children while they worked on their passions. This is really nothing new.What is new is the delivery system! The internet and a laptop.

We feel that this is a cutting edge situation and will eventually be the future of how all children will or could be educated. Those starting now, are getting a head start. Technology has changed everything in the world. Adults have been taking online courses for years now to start or complete a degree. It may all seem new, but the technology has been there for years.

When looking over their courses and classes for different grades, we were amazed. There is so much more than what a brick and mortar public school can offer! Students and families will be able to tailor their child's education towards what the child enjoys and loves.

We like the fact that OKCE is progressive and encourages children to aspire to higher levels. Connections Academy also has a partnership with Julliard in the e-music program! How many schools offer that?

Children in virtual school will be tomorrows computer experts. Since it is the method of conducting and recording their progress, they have an opportunity to progress fast than those that get on a computer only a couple times a week at school or to play games on the weekends at home.

We also like that they have cubs and parent events to connect families in Oklahoma that are also in OKCA. This means that they also believe that a complete education is also about being with like minded people.

We think that any child that registers with OKCA will be challenged. This is not a sit back and let the computer do the work situation. We believe that sudents in a virtual school such as OKCA will be trained early to be a forward thinking adult.

This is just a few reasons why we like OKCA and why we have put together this meeting for you to learn more. Invite a friend to come with you. Bring a list of questions! We want you to come and then let us know if you see the future like we do.

See you at the meeting!

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College Bound Students Find Success

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Friday, February 7, 2014

I Can't Get Her/Him To Practice

Well, of course you cannot! No child ever wants to do what their parent's want them to. Right?
As director of Academy of Fine Arts, I do understand you wanting them to practice their art of music, dance, gymnastics, etc. a good thirty minutes a day. But believe me, as a parent also, it just is not going to happen!

At least it is not going to happen at the day, time and moment you want it to. I too struggled with the idea that my child (or even grandchild) should be working out every day and practicing what we are paying for. Even though I own the school, I still had to pay the teachers that my family members took under and wanted to be sure that I got what I was paying for! Reasonable, right? Not really when you stop and think about it.

I finally realized that I was not paying tuition for my child to practice. I was actually paying tuition for my child to "take a weekly lesson" and that practicing at home just did not fit into the mix at all.
So this meant that I had to re-focus my intentions and re-direct my children (and grandchildren) to a whole new idea of what practice might be.

Ever wonder why on weekends that your child "plays school" when they have already been in school all week?  You would think they would be tired of school, right? When in fact what they are doing is not practicing their school work, but actually putting what they had learned during the week into action. Playing school is not work, it is a fun project!

So why not allow practicing dance or music, stretching for gymnastics or writing choreography and theatrical movements be play? Why not allow them to take what they have learned from class this week and teach it back to imaginary friends, dolls, stuffed animals or siblings?

I can remember parents in the past asking how my children became accomplished dancers, gymnasts, athletes and musicians (yes they all played instruments as well as danced, tumbled, played softball and basketball and even  cheered). How many hours a week did I make them practice? My answer? ZERO. Not even when they were in the high school band. Why? Because I did not want to push them towards "I want to give up".

Instead of practicing at home, we played. They played "dance teacher", "gymnastic coach", " cheer coach". "music teacher", "band director" to their siblings, friends from across the street, their dolls and stuffed bears, and yes even to family members that were over for dinner or adult friends that had stopped by.

Every weekend was a time that they worked on putting together a new performance, The performance was usually unveiled on Sunday evenings in its full array of music, movement, singing and playing instruments! I actually miss those performances. They were creative, colorful, cooperative and insightful. They changed with the seasons. They changed with the weather. But they were all wonderful!

There was no scheduled practice time at home. Ever. But once in high school and having a playing test the next week, the instruments did come out. They came out for practice on their own, because now there was something at risk. Grades.

Once in Junior and Senior High, you would find them stretching and working out on their own. Why? Because now there was competition dance team, cheer squad, basketball team, softball team and skills they wanted to get down for class.

Practice is something that I believe a child has to grow into. Before age 12 years, it is best to leave it up to play. After all, all of the current personal development coaches say, "If you want to become an expert at something, first learn to teach it."

So let the young child teach what they have learned to other, imaginary and real. And keep the classes there on a weekly basis so that they can teach something new each week. Let them grow into their art methods. Let them grow as a teacher. Let them grow into a wonderful, accomplished sons and daughters. Let them play.