Many studios and gyms across our nation have been working hard at developing new systems of class delivery and health protocols during this time of COVID-19. Some have been forced to be "locked down", and others have been working with area health officials, their insurance provider and their faculty and staff to continue to deliver their services to their area families. It has been a time of high stress, uncertainty and fear.
But through it all, this is what we know. Children are not made to be locked down, They are a creature of constant movement, giggles and fun. Movement is their release for stress. Movement helps them to think and even work better in school. The one thing that should not be taken away, for any reason, is movement classes. Especially movement classes that actually teaches self confidence and resilience. Stopping these type of classes is like asking the person to stop breathing.
It is very important to a child to be in their movement classes right now. It is where they make and maintain friends that have a similar interest in having fun. It is where the music brings a playful mood or feeling. It is where the real world dissolves and the magical world, that all children want and need as a mental escape, appears.
Movement classes offer so much for a child's growth and self esteem, that many movement instructors believe that it is vital to to all children's mental, physical and emotional health during the COVID-19 pandemic. And we believe that fully as well here at Academy of Fine Arts. It is why we are still offering classes and lessons, either virtually or in person.
Movement classes, music lessons and art classes have all been found to be beneficial to our well being as humans. It is why a brisk walk can lift your spirits and help with stress. It is why when you listen to calming music, you no longer are anxious. It is while painting a landscape , you may find yourself smiling.
Instead of classes and lessons being thought of as an extra expense during a frightening pandemic, these may actually be the just right prescription to a healthier immune system. Classes and lessons can also be a happy distraction from every frightening moment due to COVID-19 and such great chaos and unrest in the world.
There are many options for classes and lessons right now, from a free class on Facebook, to Zoom classrooms, in person small group classes and even private lessons. After 12 months of fear and uncertainty, it just may be the right time to research for a location that has
1) health protocols in place,
2)options for virtual or in person,
3) private or small group classes, or
4) an occasional free virtual class in your area.
Mary Myers is the Owner/Director of Academy of Fine Arts of Woodward OK