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Movement Leads To Learning in Children

Our Adapted Gymnastic class looks like a lot of fun, but there is more going on than what the observer sees. Recently our Adapted Gymnastics...

Thursday, August 6, 2020

School Option For A New Age

Five years ago, we opened our ASPIRE Integrated School Option program. It's a public virtual school blended with our performing and fine arts programs for K-12. The idea and dream was that it allowed children to spend their day in a facility filled with huge opportunities in dance, music, art, performance gymnastics and acrobatics, while completing their school studies. 

We knew five years ago that this model of school was no different than children in elite gymnastics gyms, Broadway theaters or Hollywood having tutors on site while they worked out or worked on their theater craft.  We saw it as a way that students could have more time for performing and fine arts. Or being a part of a competitive dance or gymnastic team.

Today, ASPIRE Integrated School Option is in the forefront as a school choice for area children, due to the  COVID-19 pandemic. It is sad that the pandemic has so many families concerned about their child's education and safety. But the virtual teachers with the Oklahoma Virtual Public Schools we use are well trained in virtual education on a daily basis, so their is no concerns, stresses or anxiety about delivering a great school experience. They have been doing this for years now! And so have we.