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Friday, November 16, 2018

Why ASPIRE Integrated School Option Makes Sense

ASPIRE Integrated School Option is a K12 education program at Academy of Fine Arts that allows students to attend Oklahoma Virtual Public School in a private setting.  For five years we closely watched Oklahoma Virtual Public Schools, talked to teachers that teach in the virtual setting, talked to administrators of Oklahoma Virtual Public Schools and visited with parents of students that chose the Oklahoma Virtual Public School option instead of a more traditional setting.

Five years ago, we officially opened the ASPIRE Integrated School Option at Academy of Fine Arts in Woodward.. Although small in attendance so far, the arts based setting has proven to be a success for those students and families that have joined us on this adventure. ASPIRE blends progressive Oklahoma Virtual Public School with the arts based classes such as dance, acrobatic dance, gymnastics, music lessons and art. Other classes to enhance the arts learning includes music theory, dance history, anatomy and technique.

ASPIRE Integrated School Option for K-12 is a great transition from our arts based preschool and private pre-k,  Move-N-Learn Academy, which began in 1986. Move-N-Learn Academy has prepared hundreds of students for Kindergarten, and now they have the opportunity to stay in the location where they started their journey of learning.

ASPIRE students also receive perks such as membership in Lead to Succeed, a leadership training  group for ages 7 - 18 yrs, and free evening classes at Academy of Fine Arts. They also receive instruction from some of the top dance teachers and choreographers in the US through a partnership with CLI Studios in Hollywood CA, and the opportunity to attend music festivals and competitions, dance workshops and conventions, master classes presented in their art by master teachers and more.

What is Oklahoma Virtual Public School?

First of all, Let's share a bit more information about Oklahoma Virtual Public Schools in general. Oklahoma Virtual Public Schools are accredited charter schools in Oklahoma under the guidance of the State Virtual School Board. Each virtual charter school has their own school board as well as administrators.

They have state certified teachers to instruct and teach the students. Through the use of the internet, they present lessons, show examples, converse live with students and the class, while the students can ask questions or comment by virtually hold up their hand during a live lesson. The students can also use the chat pod to give clarification to other students that are stating they do not understand something. Teachers also are required to be in contact with the students by phone and available at field trips and school events.

The administrators we have met, were once  teachers in Oklahoma's brick and mortar schools. Some serving in a public teaching position for as much as 20 years. When we asked Tammy Shepherd, Principal of Oklahoma Connections Academy, why she changed to a virtual school setting, the answer we got was "I believe it is the school of the future." And we believe that to be so too.

Second, these Oklahoma Virtual Public Schools may just be a better setting for some students. The courses are challenging and progressive. Depending on the grade level, students can have four to eight lessons a day plus one to four live lessons with teachers weekly or even daily. The pace is brisk and the day is filled with energy and  school work. No time for boredom for sure. But for the right student, it can mean being finished with school for the day by 1:00 pm or working ahead a day or two.

Completing lessons early or being ahead of schedule can mean that that student now has time to participate in enhancements to the lessons, or following a favorite passion such as dance, music or sports. It also means the possibility of more time for family or just play and being a kid.

Why do we believe that Oklahoma Virtual Public School could be a consideration for your child? Why should you inquire about it?

Oklahoma Virtual Public Schools appear to be training students more for the future. Classes such as Educational Technology is teaching skills in using technology that is above the level of the typical computer classes and software classes I personally have attended at Vo-Tech classes and conferences. They are teaching the skills in a fun way that allows kids to learn and relates to their world. Not by computer games, but by class work. Work that relates to their other classes and trains them to use the full capability of computers. More so than the average adult knows and uses now.

They also are training students through health and fitness courses that teaches the necessity of living an active life and that life is not playing on a computer or iPad. Health and fitness courses that mandates tracking of their daily, weekly and monthly physical activity helps with checks and balances of what a healthy physical life is about. Just because it is a virtual school, it does not mean hours and hours of setting, if managed the way it is managed at ASPIRE Integrated School Option. It does mean learning to be accountable for your health and fitness level, or lack of.

The students of the Information Age are also learning about different resources throughout the internet in locating the most current information, whether is is surfing through logs on the NASA site for current information about planets or other sites and updated PDF's. Information is more current online than in most text books (although virtual students do use textbooks to reference from time to time as well).  And information can be updated quickly online for the most current facts and details.

When the teachers call, they ask the student "How are you doing today?" "Do you need any help from me today?", "Can you tell me about your day?". "What would you like to talk about?" . But better yet, if the student does need to talk to them, even on an unscheduled day, their phone number is available to the student and their families for assistance and support. If the student or parent needs a face to face meeting on a lesson,  they go into the teachers Live Lesson room. Always happy to help.

Families can use Oklahoma Virtual Public School at home. It is free to any school age child residing in the boundaries of the state of Oklahoma. A parent must be able to commit to 4 - 6 hours a day of being with the child to assist them on their school journey. But if this cannot happen, this is where ASPIRE Integrated School Option can fill the gap with Learning Coaches.There is a fee for the Learning Coach and the student coming to Academy of Fine Arts for their school day.

So many times, families are forced to have their children give up activities, the arts an sports, in favor of the student being able to keep up with homework. Many young, gifted people leave classes, lessons and sports because they cannot g keep up with the huge amount of homework when attend school in other settings. "School comes first", says the parent. But at ASPIRE Integrated School Option, arts classes, fitness/sports training and participating in sports is easier, because when they complete their lessons under the guidance of a Learning Coach (who can only have up to five students), there is NO HOMEWORK. So kids get to stay in classes or training's where their passion lies.

Many families state that they had to call off a family outing on the weekend because their child had to work all weekend on their homework. Family time is scarce and almost totally forgotten. But when a student has their own personal Learning Coach that is keeping them on task daily Monday Through Friday, lessons are completed on time and the weekend is given back to the family to spend time together.Time to get to know each other again and have fun.

So why do we believe that ASPIRE Integrated School Option makes sense?

When you combine Oklahoma Virtual Public School and the learning coach services of the ASPIRE Integrated School Option at Academy of Fine Arts, a whole new world opens up for your child and family. They no longer hate or fear school, but love to come to learn.

ASPIRE is a great setting for students and families that prefer a progressive curriculum and setting. One that fits their needs for more brain breaks using physical activity such as sports training, dance, yoga, gymnastics, acrobatics, art and fitness. Besides having a scheduled day, when a student needs a break, their learning coach has the ability to allow them a break. They can use this break to read for enjoyment, free play (younger students), play music, compose music, stretch their bodies and more. ASPIRE is an environment that allows for movement and you will never hear "please sit still".

A lot of articles have been written about the value of the arts being a major part of a child's education. Many life and executive skills can be learned through the study of the arts no matter what their course of study in college takes them. Critical thinking skills, personal management, organizational skills, are just a very few. The arts also helps to build self esteem, allows for creative thought and action, the ability to cooperate and work with others and many more. Being in a setting that encourages the participation in the arts is setting your child on the pathway to personal success.

The arts is also a setting that allows for mistakes and the time to learn from mistakes. It the arts, students learn that a mistake is a sign that you are still learning and that you just keep trying until is is mastered. This is a skill most employers would love to see in employees, instead of the giving up or passing the project on to "someone else smarter". In the right arts based setting, your child will learn to grow as a person as well as a student.

As stated earlier, the Oklahoma Virtual Public Schools are training and educating students for the future. After all, it takes many years to publish new text books. There has to be a first draft, editing, second draft, more editing and possibly a third draft before it is ever ready for publication. After publication, the books then sit in a warehouse waiting to be purchased by a school district. More waiting. But life and world events do not wait. They happen everyday. With virtual books and materials to study, edits to the information can happen shortly after the historic event.

School publications online, can be easily edited and then goes out to everyone immediately. No waiting and falling more behind on the current information that is needed to meet the current college entrance or job employment. It just makes sense that today's, students need their school courses in a timely matter and not when it is all historical. We think most parents will believe and want this for their child as well.

Why does Oklahoma Virtual Public School make sense inside an arts academy? 

Why not? An Oklahoma public education offered in a private setting that offers the arts and sports training. It just might be the best environment for many kids. Just think, an environment that encourages movement, music making (and that means noise), physical activity and artistic endeavors.

When a student is frustrated with their studies, at ASPIRE they can go work out, play their instrument, sketch or dance to refocus then return to their studies. Or if they are really interested in learning more about the subject they are studying, they can take part of their school day to do more research and learn more.

More and more articles and research into the value of learning to play an instrument appear in the news, magazine and internet. Research shows that learning music should be a top priority for young children, teens and adults. In most school settings, children experience music from a couple of times a  week to every day depending on grade. But if there is any extension of the music, such as a true music theory class, that most likely is done after school. At ASPIRE, music theory is a part of the school day and week.

The body and brain connection is not new. Articles abound on the internet, in magazines and books. But in a setting that offers dance (tap/jazz/ballet/contemporary/clogging), gymnastics and acrobatics, yoga, sports training and more, there is a daily opportunity for students to participate in physical training.  Some studies have referenced these arts based classes as a link to doing better in school for young children and teens. Others mention the value of stress relief most children benefit from by participating in the arts.

Whether your child's passion is performing or fine arts, or not, the presence of these classes in your child's daily school schedule means they receive breaks from their general studies that also helps with fitness and brain function. Is you child feeling stressed about math? They can go to a piano studio within the facility and practice their music, returning when they have calmed down and can think again. Or move to the dance studio or gym and work out physically, returning to the studies ready to complete them.

The pairing of Oklahoma Virtual Public School and the classes at ASPIRE also means that if your child's passion is the arts, they now have more time available to them to train. More time for personal coaching. More time for technique. More time to attend conventions, competitions, workshops, etc.

If your child's passion is not the arts, but sports, being at ASPIRE allows for more time to train as well! And we already know the benefits of dance training for athletes.

More flexibility. More arts or sports training. More personal time. More family time. Attending Virtual Public School in an arts based setting may just be the educational setting that makes your child happy. And is that not what parents ultimately want for their children?

We invite parents in the Woodward area to take a look at ASPIRE for their child. Oklahoma Virtual Public School is FREE to all children 5 yrs - 18 yrs living in Oklahoma. ASPIRE does have a fee to cover the Learning Coach fees.

So why does ASPIRE Integrated School Option Make Sense?  Ask your child because we are sure they know the answer.

Mary Myers is the Director and Owner of Academy of Fine Arts in Woodward OK