Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me
When you stop and think about it, what would the world be like without music? Music to move to, music to sing along to, music to evoke emotion and connection (that is why there is always a musical soundtrack playing behind the action packed movies), etc, etc.
Would we still move? Would we still cry at a movie? Would we still sway? Would we still sing? When you stop and think about it, what kind of would we we live in? No Star Spangled Banner. No Christmas carols. No Wedding March. No lullabies. No Amazing Grace. No dancing in the moonlight with the love of our life. No family sing a longs in the car. No Over The River and Through The Woods.
Music is a big part of our culture and has been since biblical ages. Music tells a story. Music sets a mood. Music is something that should never be hidden.
Our connection to music is very much documented throughout time. Music changes from decade to decade. But as humans, we do not. We still smile when we hear a new song or an upcoming artist. Music also helps to set memories for a lifetime.
Yesterday, several musicians from our music school in Woodward, had a chance to share their hidden musical talents. Smiles were everywhere (and a few anxious parental faces too, for a short time). Music is something we should share openly with everyone. We should not be afraid to share our talents and growing talents. Not ever!
Share on musicians! Great job yesterday!