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Movement Leads To Learning in Children

Our Adapted Gymnastic class looks like a lot of fun, but there is more going on than what the observer sees. Recently our Adapted Gymnastics...

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I Am Reminded

This weekend we are at dance convention with several students that are having a great time. Today only, they have danced for eight hours with only a one hour break for lunch. Including yesterday and tomorrow they will add five more hours of dancing plus performing in a floor show. So these young ladies and gentlemen will be moving constantly for 13+ hours. 

But as I watch them I am reminded of the many different benefits they are also receiving this weekend. Benefits such as learning something new every hour at a fast pace, and retaining the information. No wonder children that study dance excellent in school! Benefits of working with others moving across the floor, constantly changing directions to constantly changing rhythms and tempos. And all without running into anyone, understanding their space limitations and how it all fits in time.

Benefits of learning to create and mold their bodies and minds to meet the requirements of completing a project. Learning to work in geometrical formations, discovering how things can come together while using focus, self discipline and unlimited courage to put their best efforts on the floor every minute of the class. 

As a teacher I feel pride in their efforts and feel their enthusiasm as they chat with new friends they met today. I realize that the skills they learn, not only in class at convention, but in their weekly studio classes too, are just amazing! And I have to wonder why every parent on earth is not clamoring to get their child into formal dance classes today. 

Want to meet an amazing student that will be successful in life? Meet a dancer today!