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Movement Leads To Learning in Children

Our Adapted Gymnastic class looks like a lot of fun, but there is more going on than what the observer sees. Recently our Adapted Gymnastics...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

How can I get my young child to practice???

For children under age 6 years, the answer is, "you don't". Very young students live their daily lives for the fun of things. And being forced to tap their feet or sit at an instrument for a certain period of time to practice will only cause a very unhappy child who will eventually act out in class.

The best way to help a young student to practice is through imagination and play! Have your young dancer or gymnast pretend to be the teacher and teach their teddy bears, dolls and imaginary friends the steps and movements. When you hear them use terminology from class, such a "shuffle step", "plie" or "ankle fish" and attempt to demonstrate it to their class, you know they are learning and now they are practicing!  

Young musicians can be asked to teach the parent a song on the instrument they are learning. Their favorite teddy bear or toy can always join the lesson.   And sometimes a grandparent, with all of their charm and praise for your child, can get several minutes of work from the young student, that a parent never can.

Best of all, young dancers, gymnasts and musicians can use their skills and imagination for weekend performances for family and friends. Just be sure it is their idea and their imagination at work. Never pass up an opportun ity for a performance, even if your minister is the captured guest in your home.  These performances will become treasured memories in the parents life later on. Memories that you would not trade for anything.