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Movement Leads To Learning in Children

Our Adapted Gymnastic class looks like a lot of fun, but there is more going on than what the observer sees. Recently our Adapted Gymnastics...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Why Gymnastics For Boys???

According to some sports psychologists, organized, competitive sports are better for the child if introduced after age 10 years. The reason being is so that the child actually has a chance to learn and develop physical literacy. It is the physical literacy that then turns a young man into an outstanding athlete.

Physical literacy is everything that we once thought that PE in school took care of. But it appears that it is a false assumption that physical literacy is actually being taught. Instead, most time in PE classes, if they still have them, actually was  or is spent on games  more than anything.

Physical literacy is when a person actually learns how to jump, how to throw, how to target. It is the eye hand and eye foot coordination we have heard about for year!  It is the ability to see and initiate the movement before it is actually needed (some call this court sight or field sight).

The best environment for learning physical literacy turns out to actually be a gymnastics or dance class. Maybe this is why you hear of professional athletes going into ballet classes, yoga and adult gymnastic classes to be able to raise their levels as they age.

Gymnastics is the one class that can teach a boy how to jump, hop off one leg (called a hurdel in gymnastics and a lay up in basketball), move laterally while staying focused with the mind and eyes, power run, skip, throw, catch, target, balance, stick and much much more. Gymnastics (and dance) builds power in the legs without shortening the muscles (therefore allowing for a longer stride). Gymnastics works amplitude in jumps and movement. Gymnastics keeps you stretched out and teaches and challenges the limits of the body.

Gymnastics may just be to perfect training ground for other sports! Check out what classes are available for your child today!

How can I get my young child to practice???

For children under age 6 years, the answer is, "you don't". Very young students live their daily lives for the fun of things. And being forced to tap their feet or sit at an instrument for a certain period of time to practice will only cause a very unhappy child who will eventually act out in class.

The best way to help a young student to practice is through imagination and play! Have your young dancer or gymnast pretend to be the teacher and teach their teddy bears, dolls and imaginary friends the steps and movements. When you hear them use terminology from class, such a "shuffle step", "plie" or "ankle fish" and attempt to demonstrate it to their class, you know they are learning and now they are practicing!  

Young musicians can be asked to teach the parent a song on the instrument they are learning. Their favorite teddy bear or toy can always join the lesson.   And sometimes a grandparent, with all of their charm and praise for your child, can get several minutes of work from the young student, that a parent never can.

Best of all, young dancers, gymnasts and musicians can use their skills and imagination for weekend performances for family and friends. Just be sure it is their idea and their imagination at work. Never pass up an opportun ity for a performance, even if your minister is the captured guest in your home.  These performances will become treasured memories in the parents life later on. Memories that you would not trade for anything.  

January Start for Pageant Modeling and Voice class

Mondays in January at 4:00 pm will be the begining of a class for young students interested in pageants! The focus of the class will be modeling, interview, [oise, voice projection, vocal instruction and group dance. Those in the class will have an opportunity to book private instruction in the areas they have interest or need assistance in such as dance solos, piano solos, violin solos, flute. voice and more.

The class is limited in size and will offer two different teachers with specialities in voice instruction and pageant work. The students will spend half an hour with one teacher and the last half of the hour with another. Both teachers are well qualified.

Be sure to check out our website soon to find out about this class that starts January 9th! Registration is now open online.

For information on the Miss NW Passage Pageants and sister pageants, just go to  http://missnwpassage.com/

Blue Jean Tap Dance

If you would love to learn to tap, but just are not into the glitzy costumes, Blue Jean Tap may just be for you! We are offering the class on Tuesdays for ages 6th-11th grade and on Wednesdays for adults ages 17 yrs and older. You can wear your blue jeans to class if you want to, just make sure they are stretchy and not too long to dance in! No leotards are needed for this class, but recommend them for warmth and form under your blue jeans or if you are staying for a jazz or ballet class.

These classes are for those who have never taken tap to those who took when they were younger! and is opento guys and gals. Young college age adults will love the classes as well as those who are older! See our website online registration page today for more information. The classes start in January and registration is being taken! Dont'miss out on the fun.

Boys Jump & Kick Gymnastics

Jump & Kick Gymnastics is a class like no other and is offered in our Woodward location! The next class begins in January and enrollment is now open to save placement. The class is limited to 10.

This class is for boys ages 4 1/2-8 years and is for the guy that just cannot stand still for a moment! Climbing, kicking, jumping, dive rolling, flipping and more fill this class to the brim with huge activity. Ninja type movements help to keep the students interest level high.There still are the gymnastic fundamentals that helps with focus, concentration, respect, responsibilty, flexibilty, strength in body and character. It is a great motor and body awareness class that will transfer to a better sports ability in the future for the student.

Although high energy, the class does teach self control of the body and mind while incorporating chararcter skills. This class is not an agressive striking class like martial arts. It also is not a parkour class.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why Dance May Be What Your Pre-Teen/Teen Needs

The Pre-teen and Teen years can be fun and difficult for the child and parent alike. For those living through those years,especially the pre-teens and teens, it can be confusing, emotional, and stressful.

Dance can be one of the best forces in dealing with the ups and downs of the pre-teen and teen years. Just ask the successful former students that now find themselves as doctors, mental health experts, teachers, graphic designers, real estate professional, financial planners, academics and more.

Dance gives a pre-teen or teen a safe avenue for creativity and expression when they feel that they are being shut down in other areas of their life. Dance also allows them an escape into something physical, and so it can relieve stress and emotions of the day, thus allowing them to be more calm and focused in school and at home. Working and moving with the music has an extra added benefit of connecting right brain and left brain activity.

Dance can be an escape for some teens and we have experienced that the most when there is difficulty at home, such as a pending divorce or illness of a parent or other family member. The studio can be a haven at these times of great stress and emotional upheaval. Over the years, some former students have actually stated that the studio is what saved them.

On a more upbeat leavel, dance can offer your young teens a better self image and higher self confidence (as demonstrated in the second paragraph of this article referring to former students). It can lift them beyond their current feelings and bring creativity and dreaming back into their lives.

Dance helps a young person to set goals and to learn to meet the smaller goals (process goals) that leads to the accomplishment of the main goal. Dance allows exploration without intimidation and humiliation. No one laughs at another in their dance class (if it does happen, then your child is at the wrong studio) because they are all working for the same goal. Dance teaches a young teen about true cooperation and not competition with others in the class.

Dance can bring back a smile to your teens face and sense of accomplishment when everywhere around them they feel like they cannot measure up to the standards. Dance will challenge them physically, mentally, emotionally. Dance can be the path to future successes in life.

Dance changes lives!

*Check out our face book page for the Woodward location at facebook.com/tumbledance&cheerproductions to leanr more about how dance has changed the lives of former students. Follow us on Twitter @FineArtsofOK

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Only Strong Men Dance!

In case you missed the news, JR Martinez won the mirror ball trophy from Dancing With The Stars. Over the weeks, Jr has improved alot. But he has done more than that. As an American Veteran, actor, motivational speaker and now an award winning dancer, JR has proven that only strong men dance. To put everything on the line for ten weeks in a row and a willingness to risk his image on national television, JR has demonstrated determination, courage, camaraderie, cooperation, loyalty, patience, focus, self discipline and the abilty to meet a goal.

Dancing challenged him and push him forward to a whole new knowlege about his body and his mind, I am sure. Dancing is one of the toughest sports around and carries some of the biggest benefits for everyone that participates. But most of all, it can give young men and young boys a better sense of who they are and who they can be with the right focus.

Rob Kardashian stated on GMA this morning that the competition changed him as a person and his partner highly agreed. Dancing with a partner or even in a group, can help a person beome more focused on meeting the needs of others and not just being self focused all of the time. It can help you to dicover your personal weaknesses and strengths.

Dance lessons for boys and young men have been talked about for generations. It has also been a topic of criticism towards those that do dance versus any other sport. But the ones that truly get it, are those families that support their sons dancing and performing. How many other sports does the runner up come off the floor or the field still feeling good about themselves and not defeated??

Dance changes lives. Parents should be lining up to get their boys into dance classes. With role models such as JR and Rob ( and all of the other male dancers that have participated in DWTS and other dance programs), life is changing for male dancers. It is now cool to be a dancer. It is athletic. It is focused and goal oriented. Only the strong dance! It is time to get into a class!

Dance changes lives!

Monday, October 31, 2011

A Workout Program For Your Brain

A recent article in The Globe and Mail, a Canadian Newspaper, stated that Sylvain Morena, a neuroscientist at Baycrest's Roman Research Institute, has focused his efforts of training the brain. He recently reported the results of a study in which children aged 4-6 years learned about music- the basics of rhythm, oitch and melody, in a computer based cognitive training program that involved games and cartoon characters. After 20 days of instruction, the children performed significantly better on a verabl IQ test compared to scores before the training.

Why would studying music lead to gains on verbal IQ? "Music and language share brain processing and structure", Dr Mareno says.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Interacting Musically with Your Child

Interacting musically with your child is very important. Rob Sayer, the author and producer of The Music Class materials we offer in our Mom & Me Music Class has written an article that we would like to share with our readers. His well written article tells of some of the vaules for you and your child in interacting musically together. After reading the article, we would love to visit with you about  our music program here at Academy of Fine Arts .

Click this link to learn more about musiccally interacting with your child:
Interacting Musically with Your Child

Sunday, October 9, 2011

OK-LA Dance Connection

Our friend Lisa Woods will be holding the OK-LA Dance Connection regional event in Oklahoma City very soon. Click on the title above to go to her website and regional brochure. You just cannot go wrong with going to her events. Lisa is a class act and always offers great classes.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

10/4 On This Day In History

On this day in history:
1962 - "Love Me Do" by the Beatles was released in the U.K. It was their first single.

Come and Celebrate!

Come and help us celebrate! On October 15th we are holding a student appreceiation day and a 30th anniversay celebration! The public is allowed to attend on October 15th from 10 am-2 pm. Enjoy refreshments, games, 15 minute "try it " classes and more! Tour our facility, get information about classes or just meet up with friends that are students with us. In any case, we do hope you will come and enjoy our event.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Parent's Night Out September 23rd Register NOW

Registration is now open for the September 23rd Parent's Night Out event at our Woodward location. If registration level is not high enough for us to hold the event, it will be cancelled, so please register early! This event is open to the public with children ages 4-10 yrs. Currents students ages 3-10 years are also invted to attend. Please go to our website at www.academyoffineartsok.com for more information and registration.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

New Computer Lab in Woodward Location

Be sure to check out the new computer lab in the Woodward location. Here students from the Move-N-Learn Academy, as well as our music students in the Woodward Academy of Music Department, will use specialized software to enhance their learning! It also makes learning fun and improves their com puter skills for the future.

Coming soon will be dance sotware to assist our company dancers!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Trying To Find Money For More Classes?

Every family only has so much income to use for those special things such as classes for their children. But with some creativity and examination of a familie spending habits, they just may be surprised to find that there is extra money just hidding in their home that would allow for classes in ballet, music, tap, guitar, voice, art, karate, etc.

Mary Myers overs insights into where you can look within your own home and foind where hidden money is available. We encourage you to read this simple document that can help you to start thinking about where the Hidden $$$$ is in your home. You can find a copy of the document at www.youpublish.com

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Band Instrument Rentals Woodward and Enid Area

We are now offering band instrument rentals in the Woodward and Enid areas. Rent to own. We offer probably the best rental program in the western half of Oklahoma! Check it out on our website! We can even come to your school to show you our great program!

Follow us on Twitter!

You can now follow us on Twitter @ FineArtsofOK ! See you there! Tweet Tweet

Summer Arts Camp Was A Hit!

Summer Arts Camp was a huge hit with all participants. From the painting to the music playing, the building was filled with laughter and fun! It was such a great hit, we have added it to next summers calendar already! So mark your calendar for the first week in August of 2012 for hreat fun for your children ages 4-7 yrs and be sure to check out our website for some great pictures to be added soon!

Move-N-Learn Academy Extends Day!

The days will be a bit longer for our students in our Academic Pre-K/ Kinder program this year. The program has been extended from a 3 hour per day to 3.5 hours per day and we have added a prgression to the days offered.
Two to three years in the preschool program will have an option on attending one or two days on Tuesday and Wednesday. Three and a half to four years in the pre-k/Jr kindergarten program will attend Monday through Wednesday and the four and a half years to five year olds will attend Monday through Thursday.
For parents needing an early drop off to get to work, we have Stroga at 7:30 am. And for those wanting an extended day program we suggest out Lunch Bunch program (extended day not available for two-three year olds).
Parents of 4 yrs olds can have a fifth day of the week by looking into our performing and fine arts day, Fabulous Fridays. Fab Fridays is a full day, 8:00am-5:00 pm, of studying the arts and having a great time.
Registration for all programs is limited.

Parents Night Out August 26th

NEW THIS FALL! Parents Night Out! Parents can enjoy an evening out together or just relaxing at home on August 26th from 6:00 pm-10:00 pm. Children ages 3-10 yrs will enjoy games, music, singing, crafts, a movie and popcorn.  Parents have an option of adding a pizza dinner for their child at an extra fee. You do not have to be a student of the academy to participate, but registration is limited. Early registration is encouraged and online registration is available now from our website!
Fee for the full evening event is $15 for members ($10 for second child) and $25 for non member ($20 for second child). Pizza and a soda is available for an extra $3.
Call today to find out more information! 580-256-3262

Friday, August 5, 2011

Fall Registration Now Available in All Programs

Fall registration is in full swing this month. Fall session begins September 6th for all ages. Register online 24/7 or in person Monday -Thursday 9:00am- 4pm. Calls are accepted on Fridays and the weekend. Please call 580-256-3262 and allow the phone to ring long enough to catch up to our cell phone. Leave a message and we will call you back. Yes even on the weekend!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fabulous Fridays

Fabulous Friday's is now open for registration for the school year. Fab Fridays is for those students ages pre-k through 4th grade in the Woodward area that are not in public school on Fridays. Fabulous Fridays is offered as a daycare alternative for families that know the value of training in the arts!

Students receive an entire day of training in music, dance, gymnastics, art, creative writting and more. Students either bring their lunch for the day or can order lunch, through our office, that is catered in.

Each Fab Friday is limited in registration, so monthly enrollment is encouraged, although drop in may be available. An after school program is being offered from 3-5 pm this fall. Those registered for the after school program this fall are given preferred placement in the spring when their school is out on Fridays. Call our office today or visit our website for more information

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Woodward Summer Arts Camp in August

Children ages pre-k through 7 years can enjoy a four day summer arts camp in our Woodward OK location, August 1-4th. There will be a morning and afternoon session offered and students will enjoy instruction in Art, Music and Movement. The entire camp is interactive and suitable for boys and girls.

Students will explore different and creative ways to create their own art, learn to play different instruments and explore creative movement to tell a story.

For more information about the camp, please visit our website or call our office at 580-256-3262 for more information. The camp is limited to 30 children in each session. Registration must be completed by July 28 to assure placement. Online registration is available at our website.

Super Hero Camp for Boys!

Super Hero camp starts next week and registration is available on our website. Young boys will enjoy the fun and adventure each day of the three day camp and are encouraged to arrived dressed as their favorite super hero! Adventures await the Super Heros in this camp. Call us at 580-256-3262 for more information about Super Hero camp for boys in our Woodward OK location.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Boys Dancing and Tumbling????

Why not? Especially when the benefits point to a more athletic, physical, confident, focused, goal oriented young man? Dance is one of the fastest growing sports these days with the ever growing popularity of dance competitions. More and more boys and boy groups are making their appearance at dance competitions and performances world wide.

Many movement specialists for years now have shouted from the roof tops the benefits of boys taking dance classes. Sports psychologists have written about placing young boys into dance and tumble classes over the selection of other organized sports. Dance and tumbling is a great training ground for young men and their families prior to entering a sports program such as T-ball, soccer, basketball, etc.

Some families are coming on board with this direction and registering their young sons into classes for dance and tumbling. These young men are growing and becoming more comfortable with movement and the physicality of it.

Check out all of the dance shows on television! What do you see?? BOYS! The athleticism of dance is now opening a whole new door way for young males in performing arts. Dance is not something just for girls or an elite few young men. Dance is for those who dream, those who have heart, those who love to construct and build, those who love science,those who love music and art, those who are good in math,and those that enjoy working with a team and a coach.

Dance for boys is very masculine. Very athletic. Very much a sport. Dance is one of the fastest growing sport in the nation. Dance is something a parent can be proud of when they see their son put their heart into it on stage. Dance is the only time you see girls rush into an auditorium, to watch a guy on stage in awe. Dance is when 20 young men can be onstage at one time doing what they do best, rather than sit a bench while five do the majority of the team work.

Yes, there is very much room for masculine, athletic males in dance. The false side is that when families and society decide that because a young male decides to dance, he is not masculine or athletic. This narrow idea, although maybe intended to protect, only harms the young man and keeps him in fear of achieving his dreams.

Many great female dancers have achieved their dreams by being coached, trained and choreographed for by very masculine male teachers. They have been allowed to discover and sense of energy, flight and movement that no other athlete can ever achieve. It is only fair then, that we as parents, teachers, peers and friends, allow young men to discover this achievement as well.

The next generation of star athletes may just actually come from a dance class as a child. It is time to recognize that dance is something every person can do. It is something every persona can do all of their lives as long as they have their helath.

So the next time you hear music, encourage everyone to stand up and dance.Even the boys!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tomboy -> Dancer -> Gymnast -> Musician -> Athlete -> Scholar -> Collegiate Athlete -> Doctor

Is your child on the right path for success? Did you know that children that study performing and visual arts from grade school through high school, consistantly,generally have a higher degree of commitment, confidence, and good self image that sets the path towards later success.

It is easy to find out about the many different company CEO's, presidents of corporations, universities and yes even the United States that learned to play an instrument at an early age, performed on stage as a dancer or actor.
The benefits of studying the arts has even reached the level of science, where universities in California have been testing and tracking the actual strength levels of collegiate dancers versus collegiate athlete for strength and endurance (and yes, the dancers have won the results of the study each time).

Locally, success in studying the arts is evident. Two former students from our school, high school athletes and scholars went on to college to again repeat the school athlete and scholar pattern, to then become successful doctors. And then there are our former students that are currently educators, nurses, musicians, ministers, and mental health professionals.

Research has shown in some instances that studying the arts on a consistant basis, pre-grade school through high school, does give a child a much bigger advantage over other activities that could have been chosen by the parents. So if confidence, ability to set goals and follow through, focus, a sense of accomplishment and more are what you are looking for to set the path towards collegiate success and beyond, then you may want to give more time and consideration to the the studying of performing and visual arts.

For hundreds to thousands of well informed parents, the decision to have their child actively involved in performing and visual arts is a no brainer. Success is just around the corner and time is gone in a blink of the eye. The time to plan your child's course for success is from the beginning.Help them to discover success at a young age and carry it through to the future. Discover performing and visual arts.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Check out our Facebook pages!

To receive breaking news, join our facebook pages at:

Woodward location: www.facebook.com/tumbledancecheerproductions.com
www. facebook.com/woodwardacademyofmusic

Enid Location: www.facebook.com/enidacademyoffinearts

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Music Trial Class Offer

6 yrs through Adult
Woodward Location
Not sure your child will like music classes? Here is a chance to find out!
You can book two private piano or keyboard classes (or another instrument that you have from home) on a trial basis. After the two classes, then make the decision as to if you want to fully enroll or not. If you choose to enroll as a private student, then we will transfer the Trial Class Fee of $35.00 to your registration fee for the year.

Limited times that this trial offer can be booked.
Call the office at 256-3262 for more details.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Now Offering Music Instrument Rentals!

Academy of Fine Arts is now offering music instrument rentals! We offer one of the best rental plans in the area. If your child is starting band or music instruction this fall, now is the time to be searching for a great rental program. Call us today to find out more information!
We Rent, Rent-2-Own and Sell The Following:
· Flute
· Clarinet
· Saxophone
· Trumpet
· Trombone
· Tenor Sax
· Piccolo
· Percussion Bell Kit/Drum/Snare Kit
· Violin
· Viola, Cello

Details of the Rental Program:
·A % of your rental payments apply toward purchase of the instrument
· An Early Purchase Option may be exercised at any time
· There is no obligation to buy the instrument and the full option to return at any time
· Maintenance and Service Plan Included (Normal use maintenance, not damage)
· A professional mouthpiece is supplied w/ every wind instrument (included in the rental fee)
· Each instrument is covered by a Damage Waiver (no deductible) and by a Fire and Burglary
Waiver (No Deductible). No Additional Charge!
· Only name brand instruments in NEW or Like-New condition rented
· Authenticity of new instruments is guaranteed

Rentals are available in both of our locations.
For more information please contact us at

580-256-3262 Woodward OK area

580-747-4799 Enid OK area

Friday, May 27, 2011

Benefits Of Learning To Play An Instrument

All a person has to do is Google “Benefits of Music” or “Benefits Of Learning To Play An Instrument” and you will come up with a very long list of articles to select from. After some research and reading, what the articles have in common is a list of five to eight benefits for children and adults in learning to play an instrument.

At the top of each list of benefits is the one that many teachers of music have repeated for generations and there is some documentation over the years that suggest it is true that learning to play an instrument can help to develop better confidence and higher self esteem. This comes about by experiencing a task that may be difficult and challenging in the beginning and turning it into a creative outlet that allows the musician to feel a great sense of achievement in completing the work. Some studies are now saying that this in itself leads to better school skills for children and better work skills for adults.

School skills that parents may be most interested in is that learning to play and read music does appear to raise math scores with children. Especially if the child has been taking music classes from a young age and continuing through high school. These lessons can be in a private setting or a group or band setting. Children as young as pre-kindergarten and kindergarten have been shown to reap many benefits such as better focus and cognitive skills when introduced at this young age to keyboard or piano.

The social benefits of learning to play an instrument tend to lean to the suggestion that it leads to a social circle of friends with something in common. This is evident if you have ever been on a band trip and notice the camaraderie between the band members when in a relaxed setting. This also seems to hold the same with adult musicians as well. It has been documented that junior high and high school age students are less likely to be involved with drugs and alcohol when they are in band.
Being in a band can have its own benefits such as learning high cooperation skills and learning to work with others. This then leads to better work environment skills as an adult. Adults who play an instrument, or took classes and was in band as a child, have reported being able to be more creative and focused at work. They continue to say that the skills they learned in playing music in a band setting helps them to follow through with difficult projects without abandoning the work. Some have said that being in a regimented setting such as marching band has helped them to be able to see the “big picture” of the difficult task and thus helps them to continue even when they would prefer to quit. Continuing through the difficult times then transfers to high achievement levels at work and in their personal lives.

Playing an instrument also appears to have some possible health benefits as well. Along with the high sense of achievement may come less stress. People have known for years that listening to soothing music can help a person to unwind, lift their mood and relieve stress. Some studies have indicated that listening to music can even lower blood pressure. Learning to play an instrument can also bring these benefits to a persons life. It is common these days to see a keyboard or even a guitar sitting in the office of a CEO of a fortune 500 company.

Once again, a parent can spend time researching the many different articles written by professional musician, professional teachers and university studies that can be found on the internet. Be sure to allow much time and follow through because there is a lot to read and take in. Focus will come in handy as you sort through the articles and research as well. Or you can spend some time experiencing and observing band members and their families. Also talk to musicians you know personally and get their answer as to why they play an instrument.

A parent can also visit our website at www.academyoffineartsok.com to find out more about music classes and instruction or book a tour of our school and visit with a teacher of music. On the FAQ page of our website, you may find most of your questions answered, but if not we do look forward to meeting you and giving you the information that you need.

Academy of Music
580-256-3262 (Woodward Location)
580-747-4799 (Enid Location)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Still Time To Register For Summer Classes!

There is still time to register for summer classes in our Woodward location! Be sure  to go to our website and by clicking the headline and then to the summer classes or online registration page for more information about the best classes around for summer. Call our office at 256-3262 for more information.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Best Event In Town Was Saturday!

The best event in town this past Saturday was actually our Student Appreciation Day held at Lakeside Theaters! Favored activities were the pony rides, magician and the movie! Students and their families were greeted and served hotdogs by staff members,

Student Appreciation Day is our way of saying thank you to our students for their hard work this year. All of our students are stars and deserve star level treatment at Student Apprecaition Day!

Join us for the next one soon!

Friday, May 20, 2011

It Was A Grand Event!

The Students and staff of AFA rencently presented their spring show on May 8th at the Woodward Arts Theatre in Woodward OK. It was a grand event with great musicians, vocalists, dancers and tumblers! The entire audience was in awe of the great talent these young performers exhibited. If you missed the show, please mark on your calendar that on May 5-6th, 2012, these young performers will once again present the best show and entertainment in town.

Classes for All Ages!

Academy of Fine Arts Ok offers classes for all ages! Including toddler and mom & me classes in dance and music! We offer several classes in all time slots allowing parents to find the right class for multiple children. Many parents can find a class for one child in music, another in dance and a third in cheer all on the same day and close in times, thus saving on gas and time!

Our Woodward location is currently registering for summer and fall classes! Register now for summer dance or gymnastic/tumbling classes and receive a free bag to carry your items to and from class! But hurry because quantity is limited!

Call our office today at 580-256-3262 for more information. Visit our website at www.academyoffineartsok.com for online registration

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Summer and Fall Registration Now Being Accepted!

Summer and Fall registration is now being accepted in our Woodward location. We offer tap, jazz, ballet, hip hop, clogging, lyrical, contempoary and combo classes for the very young. Also offered this summer is private and small group music lessons as well as fun summer camps! be sure to check out  our learn to swim program and preschool education program too!

 All instruments for private instruction is being offered and we will soon ahave instrument rental available! Be sure to check out the small group classes this summer and fall and we have terrific summer camps too. Here is just a few:
   * Magic Flute Camp (young child)
   *Rhythm Stick Camp (Young Student)
    *Kazoo Camp  (Young Students)
   *5678 Group Guitar
   *9-12 Group Guitar
   *11 years and up Build Your Own Electric Guitar
   * 11 yrs and up Play Your Electric Guitar

Check out the Dolly and Me Camp and well as Little Ballerina and Young Dancer Combo! Also keep checking back for the Dance Camp in August for those dancers ages 6 yrs and up!

Yes even swimiimg lessons for ages 2 yrs and up! Check out Mom & Me Classes too!

Everyone knows this is the place to be for tumbling, acro, gymnastics and cheer classes! Great summer classes and camps for sure!

For more information call 580-256-3262 or visit our website at www.academyoffineartsok.com
Online registration is available.

What Is The Ideal Age For Piano Lessons?

What is the ideal age for piano lessons? Just about any age for sure!

Most professionals believe that between the ages of 3 and 5 years is a great time to start classes because the child is more "open" to learning new and exciting skills. It apprears at this time that the child, though short on focus, can be coached back to the task easily and encouraged to continue. They also believe at this age that they can do anything and are therefore not fearful in trying.
It is because of this and the studies that have been done with kindergarteners learning keyboard that we incorporate pre-piano skills into the Move-N-Learn Academy program. By experiencing music and instruments at a young age, students start learning about patterns and movement. The learning of patterns then leads to better reading and math skills at an older age that can lean towards better success in school.

Parents that understand and see the value of music instruction on a regular basis, and not just once a week, for their young child are on the right track in setting the environment for better learning of skills for the future. And that is why they choose Move-N-Learn Academy over other early childhood learning options.

Be sure to check out the Move-N-Learn Summer Enhancement program in June and July! Summer program includes daily swimming lessons. Call our office at 580-256-3262 for more information or visit our website at www.academyoffineartsok.com or our Facebook page for more information.

Welcome to Academy Of Fine Arts Ok

Welcome to our blog for Academy of Fine Arts in Oklahoma! We look forward to more visits from you to view information and articles on fine arts at our locations in Woodward and Enid Oklahoma.
In the mean time, to find out more information, visit our website at www.academyoffineartsok.com or call our office at 580-256-3262 in Woodward and 580-747-4799 in Enid.