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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Gymnastics For Special Needs Children?

Gymnastics For Special Needs Children?

Gymnastics can be a great outlet for activity and fun for special needs children. A properly structured class can allow them time to release pent up energy by running, jumping, bouncing, rolling, etc. It gives them another social outlet. It brings smiles and laughter.

For all children, a gymnastic class helps to build strength and flexibility. It also allows them to experience success as well as failure. Build core strength and grip, etc. But for special needs children the benefit of being in a gymnastic class are much larger and more towards life skills, such as walking, focus, and communicating. 

Gymnastics allows a special needs child to be in an environment that is not only physical, but cognitive as well. They that have to focus on small and large skills while working to place their bodies in the right position to maneuver the body through the gymnastic movement. After all, walking on a 4 inch wide balance beam is no easy feat (an act or achievement that shows courage, strength or skill) for anyone!

But lets look at what else gymnastic classes can offer a special needs child.

1. On the physical side of a gymnastic class, a special needs child can learn better balance and work on core strength that helps with day to day activities such as sitting and walking for any length of time. This in turn helps in attending school and OT therapy sessions.

They also get to experience flight by jumping on bounders and trampolines and when ready, the ability to land on their feet from a simple dismount and safely roll out. This is in hope that they will learn to do a safety roll if ever falling from a height.

Rolling itself is a vestibular  activity that helps us to understand the perception of body position and movement. It is why so many children, including myself as a child, will get in a swing and spin in it, instead of swinging back and forth, until you are nauseous. It is a necessary development need to develop this state of balance and being in space and time.

2. As an energy outlet, there is none better! With padded floors and equipment to land on, it is a great environment to start learning about success (which we highly praised) and failure (we praise the effort). The gym is a big open space that allows a child to move, run, work and train in. And with all of the colorful foam shapes such as wedges, octagons, trapezoids and more, you can't help by laugh and have a great time.

3. Gymnastics is also a social outlet. All children learn to wait their turn, walk in a line, respect other gymnasts, and develop friendships. They also learn to support each other with the demonstration of high fives, a pat on the back and sometimes even a cheer of "you can do it"!

4. Gymnastics is motor building fun! Brightly colored equipment make challenge courses, that develop gross motor skills, fun and entertaining. Learning to grip and swing on the bars can lead to better writing skills and arm strength.

5. Gymnastics is great for learning spatial and body awareness. It is great for increasing focus and controlling our movements. From walking on beams to bouncing on trampolines, they learn to control their landing on their feet.

Yes, gymnastics is great for special needs children. And yes, some may never do a back handspring or a tuck. They may never compete in a gymnastics meet. But one thing for sure, they will always steal a gymnastic coaches heart,

*Mary Myers is the owner and director of Academy of Fine Arts. They offer dance and gymnastics for special needs children.